Beautiful Nuisance

Kudzu. A nuisance to some, beautiful to others.

The mysterious forms created when this invasive botanical nightmare overtakes a sprawling plot of land can be mesmerizing, especially in the dense morning fog.

I had been eyeing this strange landscape for several years, always intending to photograph its mysteries - when the time was right. One crisp fall morning, a dense fog arose and presented me with the perfect opportunity.

Realizing that time was short, I rushed inside a local daycare center and asked permission to park my car in their lot. The young lady tending to half-a-dozen toddlers looked at me like I was insane when I told her what I was up to, but she reluctantly agreed to my odd request.

The fog began to burn off quickly, as expected. The resulting shots remain almost magical to me. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event to witness, and I’m glad I had my camera with me that morning. Unfortunately, that glorious field of weeds has now fallen victim to development. At least I have vivid memories and these photographs.


All images are available in archival pigment prints. Contact me for more information.


The Test


The Homestead